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The Mill District General Store, Artist Demo
May 26, 2024 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm EDT
Join Northampton weaver, Took Storm, in the Mill District Local Art Gallery on Sunday, May 26 from 1-3pm for this FREE and drop-in demonstration of adaptive weaving techniques.
When physical limitations enter your life it can be hard to maintain your crafting. Knitting and crochet require constant tension and repetitive motions that may not be feasible for large projects. Whereas weaving can seem daunting with expensive equipment and hard physicality required. But that isn’t the case.
Took Storm is a disabled genderqueer weaver in Western Massachusetts. In Adaptive Weaving they provide a demonstration of different physical adaptations to the warping process while they discuss working to internalize setbacks of developing adaptive crafting methods as learning opportunities rather than failures, along with cost effective options for beginning to weave. And an overview on barriers to the weaving community and how to overcome them.